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DRUG-seq kits

Multiplexed extraction-free library preparation kits for MGI

RNA-seq library preps directly from cell lysates without prior RNA isolation.

Total reactions How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit
RNA multiplexing format How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 96
UDI pairs included How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 4
Total reactions How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit
RNA multiplexing format How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 96
UDI pairs included How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 4
  • Benefits

    The MERCURIUS™ Extraction-free DRUG-seq kits contain all the oligos and enzymes needed to go from 2D cell cultures to sequencing-ready libraries. No additional library conversion kit is required!







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    No need for prior RNA extraction
    Improved DRUG-seq protocol
    Ideal for screening projects
    One-day lab

    An optimized lysis buffer for complete lysis and efficient reverse transcription.


    Without amplification, leading to higher mapping and gene detection rates.

    More samples, more replicates. Robust results, significant discoveries.

    Specially designed for MGI systems, no additional library conversion kit is needed. 

    Convenient and short protocol. From samples to sequencing-ready libraries in one day.


  • Experimental workflow at a glance

    DRUG-seg MGI workflow-1


  • Product specifications

    For (application)

    3' mRNA sequencing

    For use with (equipment)

    MGI T and G series instruments

    Species compatibility

    All eukaryotic species

    Available formats

    96, 384 reactions

    Shipping conditions

    Dry ice

    Storage conditions



  • Each BRB-seq kit contains reagents (including four pairs of Unique Dual Indexing adapters) sufficient for the complete library preparation process for four different BRB-seq pools.

    To note, the total number of RNA samples that can be processed with one kit does not exceed the kit specifications; for instance, a 96-samples kit can be used to prepare up-to 96 samples distributed across up-to four different libraries.

  • The recommended range of input material is in the range of 5’000-50’000 cells.
  • The only difference between DRUG-seq and standard RNA-seq data analysis is the demultiplexing step, which assigns sequencing reads to their origin sample based on the DRUG-seq barcode sequence.

    For a thorough description of DRUG-seq data processing, please refer to the DRUG-seq kit user guide.

Try our services

Our BRB-seq and DRUG-seq services deliver raw sequencing data (fastq files), gene count matrices and analysis report files. A cost-efficient option suitable for projects of all sizes.

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