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BRB-seq kits

Library preparation kits for MGI

96, 384 RNA-seq library preps in one tube.

Total reactions How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit
RNA multiplexing format How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 96
UDI pairs included How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 4
Total reactions How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit
RNA multiplexing format How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 96
UDI pairs included How many library preps can be prepared in total with one kit 4
  • Benefits

    The MERCURIUS™ BRB-seq library preparation kits for MGI are ready-to-use! No additional library conversion kit is required!

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    Ready-to-use library
    Bulk RNA sequencing 
    at scale
    One-day lab

    Specially designed for MGI systems, no additional library conversion kit is needed.


    Perform up-to 384 RNA-seq library preparations in one single tube.

    Convenient and short protocol from samples to sequencing-ready libraries in one day.


  • Experimental workflow at a glance

    BRB-seq MGI workflow-2-1


  • Product specifications

    For (application)

    3' mRNA sequencing

    For use with (equipment)

    MGI T and G series instruments

    Species compatibility

    All eukaryotic species

    Available formats

    96, 384 reactions

    Shipping conditions

    Dry ice

    Storage conditions



  • Each BRB-seq kit contains reagents (including four pairs of Unique Dual Indexing adapters) sufficient for the complete library preparation process for four different BRB-seq pools.

    To note, the total number of RNA samples that can be processed with one kit does not exceed the kit specifications; for instance, a 96-samples kit can be used to prepare up-to 96 samples distributed across up-to four different libraries.

  • The recommended range of RNA amount for each sample is of 50ng-1μg, normally the more RNA, the better.

    The minimum recommended RIN number is 6 and the A260/230 ratio (Nanodrop) should be in the 1.5-2.2 range.

  • The only difference between BRB-seq and standard RNA-seq data analysis is the demultiplexing step, which is used to assign sequencing reads to their sample of origin based on the BRB-seq barcode sequence.

    For a thorough description of BRB-seq data processing, please refer to the BRB-seq kit user guide. 

  • One of the key advantages of BRB-seq is that it does not only save reagents and cost in the library preparation stage, but also in the sequencing one.

    As opposed to standard RNA-seq, where 20M-30M reads per sample are required, we normally recommend to sequence BRB-seq libraries at a depth of 4M-5M reads per sample, which is normally enough to detect the vast majority of expressed genes.

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Our BRB-seq and DRUG-seq services deliver raw sequencing data (fastq files), gene count matrices and analysis report files. A cost-efficient option suitable for projects of all sizes.

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