Multiplexed RNA-seq (mRNA) service (Early-Access)
Full-length mRNA-seq combined with massive sample multiplexing.
The MERCURIUS™ Multiplexed RNA-seq (mRNA) service offers a convenient and streamlined solution for full-length mRNA transcriptomics projects of any size.
Clients can send us purified RNA samples, which are always quality-checked before launching our Multiplexed RNA-seq (mRNA) pipeline. During the process, we always keep clients informed at defined checkpoints so that we can decide together how to best proceed to the next steps.
Next generation sequencing and data pre-processing (including alignment to the genome of choice) are part of our standard service as well. As a result, we provide our clients raw data, sequencing and alignment reports, and gene count matrices which can be used for downstream gene expression analysis.
Optional downstream differential gene expression analysis are also available upon request.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
(Nanodrop and Fragment Analyzer)
1 week
Step 5
2 days
Step 6
(Qubit, Fragment analyzer, shallow sequencing)
1 week
Step 7
1 week
Step 8
Step 9
Distribution of the number of detected genes across 48 samples prepared with the MERCURIUS™ Multiplexed RNA-seq service. The library was sequenced at an average of 12 million reads.
Multiplexed RNA-seq (mRNA) performance shows 99% demultiplexing rate from raw data, 78% mapping rate, and 18% duplication rate of the 48 pooled samples and sequenced at 12 million reads per sample.
Mapping rates are uniform across three RNA inputs tested: 1ug, 10ng, and 100ng. Human Universal Reference RNA was used to prepare mRNA Multiplexed RNA-seq libraries.
The gene body coverage shows a consistent and uniform reads distribution across the entire gene body for the Multiplexed RNA-seq protocol, comparable to the NEB protocol, while the BRB-seq protocol shows a significant 3' bias due to its poly-A selection methodology.
Benchmarking the Multiplexed RNA-seq protocol against the competitor NEB shows similar performance for isoform detection. More than 50,000 isoforms can be detected at a sequencing depth of 12M reads per sample.
To generate high-quality sequencing data we recommend starting with 10 - 1000 ng of total purified RNA per sample in 20μl.
The total RNA amount per pool should be at least 1000 ng.
In addition to total RNA amount, it is important that the samples contain RNA of high integrity (RIN > 7) and are devoid of contaminants (Nanodrop A260/A230 between 1.8 and 2.2).
Full-Length BRB-seq provides comprehensive coverage of the full-length mRNA transcripts.
We, therefore, normally recommend sequencing 12-20 million reads for each sample, which enables the reliable and unbiased detection of over 20,000 genes.
As part of our standard service pipeline, we align the generated data to the genome of choice, provide a detailed report on the alignment and gene counting statistics and, finally, provide ready-to-use gene count matrices for downstream analysis.
Optionally, we can include differential gene expression analysis.
Explore the latest, relevant publications in the industry to learn more about BRB-seq.
Book a one-on-one call with one of our RNA experts to discover how we can assist your next project.
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